18, 2014 | Dear friends of Duranasty Webzine here we
go again! Launched on February 2nd 2002, on the same day of
the release of Planet Earth back in 1981, this website has just
entered its 12th year of exsistence...
We are glad to deliver another update. In a time where social
media is the main place to share news, we think that is still
important for an international band like Duran Duran to have
active fan-sites. While Duran Duran news and pictures flow fast
like a river that never stop through thousand of posts and tweets,
we still like to make the point on the status of the band, we
like to stop and read that important sentence and put it into
perspective, we like to put together all the small pieces of
the big Duran Duran puzzle. As always we hope to provide with
a new installments something interesting to read and watch,
hopefully to print out and add to your collection like an old
fanzine. Enjoy!
2013 | It has been a prolific year for the
band since they first reconvened in the studio back in March.
The guys have been on and off since then, more intensely since
September. The band has only had a break over the summer and
started to work again in early September, which is unusual for
Duran as it's historically a month off for them.
only | the focus is absolutely on the the album, no
corporate gigs [except the one in Switzerland
back in February, check previous update please] to fill gaps
as far as we know, no long vacations, just short breaks and
just few trips to promote the Unstaged show
or support some charity causes such as the amfAR
charity event [the guys offered a private acoustic set for auction
and the highest bidder was delighted to have Simon, John, Dom
Brown and Ana Ross performing on her birthday in Courchevel
in the French Alps]. |


The state of things: Since I last saw the guys,
back in June 2013, a lot of work on the album has been
done. In September they have been heard saying that
more than 8 tracks were done and that
Simon has been writing a lot. |
You with a View to an Album | Since the last site
update I met the the guys in two different periods, late November
and last week, so this installment will be also filled with
some reports and news from these meetings. In November I met
them more often. I saw them in great spirit and in good shape,
but what will probably interest you more is news on the new
album and its developement.
When I asked Nick about the album progresses he actually said
that their schedule was changed a little bit compared to what
they had planned early on, in fact during the first half of
the year they have been heard saying that they hoped to get
the album finished by December 2013
[some band member has been heard even betting on that!] and
aimed for a late Spring/early Summer release
schedule: According to Mr Rhodes the album schedule
has shifted a little forward. In fact back in November he
told me "We hope to finish the album by February"...
and when I said "the writing I suppose?" he pointed
out "writing AND recording."
So Nick kept telling me about the tentative working schedule
that he was trying to follow: album finished by February,
then get it mixed by April/May and hopefuly
release the record by September.
the left: Nick Rhodes poses for the lenses of Salvo's camera for
a nice shot taken on regular day of work at the studio in November
Top left the new uber-cool logo designed by Patty Palazzo
for Duran Duran. |
Now | Last week I met John and Roger during a working
day at the studio, just a couple of days after their session
with the Voce Chamber Choir and the London
Youth Chamber Choir at St. Gabriel’s Church in
Pimlico [Read the news Below].
When I asked John if they were in time with their original tentative
working schedule [ie: album completed by the end of February]
John was quite skeptical. And when I said "I supspect studio
work will go on until late Spring/early Summer" he didn't
deny it, he just smiled and nodded his head.
According to some recent statements made by Nick there's still
some lyrics writing to do. The lyrics writing process goes hand
in hand with the music something that might slow down the process
a little bit as tracks might get revisions.

John Taylor, the idealist, always
looking forward. He
is always so passionate about the music. Picture
taken by Salvo on February 12th 2014 in London.
On the left a picture of Roger and Salvo taken on the same [rainy]
Taylor and Simon Le Bon keep an eye on Voce tenors and altos
as they record the all-important melody line... |
all about the Voce
On February
10th in the evening Voce Chamber Choir were joined by Simon,
John and Roger!
The Duran boys thought Voce might be an excellent fit for
some tracks on their forthcoming studio album.
They'd brought along some shiny recording equipment, so together
with MD Suzi Digby and some pals from the
London Youth Choir, we sang through brand
new Duran Duran material arranged for SATB choir by Friend
of Voce, composer Toby Young. Above pictures
of the guys joyining the Choir. Far right: Simon Le Bon with
Opera Singer Philip Raperport.
The Duran Duran cell has been in the incubator for months
and months, now is about to flourish | This is a very
delicate phase, it's the moment when that cell called Duran
Duran, made of four organisms, which has been incubated in a
tiny studio for month producing material, is about to make the
best of it, refining it while the singer is looking for the
right words to match the notes. Everybody in the band is giving
its contribution to what will be organic orchestration of elements.
Editing is the Key | As Nick Rhodes always
says, editing is the most important phase of the process, editing
is the key. Decide what is in and what is out and the final
cut the band wants to give to the songs is a very delicate moment.
The music is there, copious,
and it's about to explode in all it's duranish beauty... it's
just a matter of months.
During the whole process [excluding the two weeks of jamming
sessions with Mark Ronson at Dom Brown's studio
back in March 2013 and a few other meetings with him during
last Spring] the guys have been working on this project all
on their own, with just their historic recording and mixing
engineer Joshua Blair, so every decision has
been taken by themselves. Can we say this album has been self-produced
by the band until now? We think so.
The Definitive Duran Duran Album | We are sure
the band is trying to achieve a milestone album,
a real piece of Art, truthful and faithful
to their artistic souls, an album that will stand the test of
time. Duran Duran fans can be proud of this band. The last quarter
of the year is gonna be fantastic with the arrival of the new
Duran Duran music and 2015 even more with a new Tour! |

Chatting away with Nick | [November] During our chat,
after the first question on the album, I had to ask "Is
Mark [Ronson] still on board on this project?".
The answer was clear, yes but just on a few a songs [ed: if
this is still valid we don't know, time will tell]. So I hinted
to Nile Rodgers... "It would be great
to get him involved" I said, and Nick... he simply didn't
answer, he just opened his face in a very big smile... I don't
know what that means, I just remember his expression, his face
lit up and his mouth opened in a big smile. I can only assume
that being the guys huge fans of Nile's work, they would just
be thrilled to work with him again, even on just a couple of
tracks... but here we just talk about facts, no conjectures...
also had to ask to Mr. Rhodes something I have had in mind for
months, since Simon tweeted about paying homage to Rod
Temperton early last year. I actually started to dream
about Duran working on something with him... I would have loved
to see a sacred monster of the production like Temperton working
with the guys. So I asked Nick about that and he said that they
are not working with him, Temperton just came to the studio
and they met him. Nick used beautiful words to describe his
genius: "he's great, just great!".
| Anyway, I was completely deligheted by hearing
that there's still hope for a 2014 release,
Nick left me with a great feeling of optimism and enthusiasm
but I have to say that I wouldn't mind waiting a few months
more, until early 2015, for the new album if time is what
the band need to deliver music they all feel completely
satisfied and proud of, that will stand the test of time,
music that will be played on tour for many months .
So I completely understand and sympathize with John
Taylor's recent comments, on a late 2013 katykafe,
when he says:
think for me the difference is I’m not in
a rush, I’m not feeling in any way pressured
to get an album finished to sort of suit any kind of release
schedule I don’t have a release schedule,
I’m not in any hurry to get back on the road, I think
any others are, I think the feeling is since the reunion
we toured pretty consistently if you compare our touring
schedule with U2 or Arcade Fire to name two" [...]
"I think the important thing is that we make a
great album an album, something that impress
people, because I don’t think we all feel
that way about the recent album, we all got reservations
about it..."

Bon calls him “Marlene Dietrich”,
and credits him with artistic genius. He’s especially
good at make-up. “I do it all myself,” he says.
“I used to buy it from Boots.”
The others never wore it like Rhodes. “I was of the Keith
Richards school,” says John Taylor.
“Bit of powder, eyeliner. There was always a girl willing
to apply it. Girls love guys in make-up, don’t you think?”
The Evening Standard, December 2013. |
the Year end Kafe Nick seems to confirm that the album won't
be released sooner than September,
even though he gives hope for an earlier single release. Nick
says that in May we might be able to listen
the first piece of music [ie the first single?!] He says: "I
woud like to think that something propbaly
will came out maybe around May, I supsect the album will be
a little later than that,
but I don't see why we couldnt get a song ready by then, a few
of the songs are
pretty much complete at this stage... still lots of lot of lyrics
surgery to be done,
much to simon's horror, I'm sure." |

balls to the wall getting the new album done" |

only you could hear the music we are making... you would be
John Taylor, December 16th, 2013
This one is just more important | "This
one is just more important we get it right" said John in
a KatyKafe back in late 2013, "We start thinking ‘how
many albums we got left in us’, ho many more we are going
to do. So it’s like this one can’t be a giveaway,
it’s got to be, is gonna be great, I want it to be better
than All You Need Is Now, I want it to be better than the Wedding
Album, otherwise “What’s the point?” and that
doesn’t happen like that, that takes a lot of tenacity
and a lot of work.
John raises
the question: ‘what kind of record are we trying to
always this pretty lengthy process of determination where
we start off, we just run on/off the wall, we jam... there’s
a certain amount of enthusiasm and excitement that sort of
drive us, then we come into this sort of slow cooking phase
where we all try to find out what the album is, what ‘s
the nature of it, what's the style, what’s the concept
and often there’s a lot push and pull involved because
we are not all feeling the same, not all got the same objectives
and that can be quite frustrating for everybody, so we spent
a lot of time this year, particulary on the last few months
[September/November], really getting on the same page.
It’s like 'what kind of record are we trying to make?’.
There’s a little bit of reinventaion
involved in all of our albums, and in this there’s not
less than usual..."
Once we nail the release date I think we can start dropping
some samples for everybody to hear, but until we know when
the album is coming out , 'cos at the moment I don’t
know, it's gonna be be spring, summer, autmn, or 2015, I don’t
John Taylor, late 2013
Duran Music In Extremis" says John
member say the new album sounds like... Duran Duran! |

didn’t go in trying
to capture a particular style,
it’s a more organic process.
But it does have all the ingredients of a classic Duran album
- danceability and great lyrics
and hocks, as well as
atmospheric parts."
Taylor, January 2014 [Classic Pop mag interview excertp]
You’re in the midst of recording a new Duran Duran album.
What’s that process like these days?
It’s very much like an office job. We all show up at the
studio around lunchtime and try to have as many good ideas as
possible. We’re unusual in that we have four guys contributing
equally. Everybody has got to sign off on everything,
but it’s working. We’re enjoying each other’s
company. It takes a while to get the vibe dialled in, but we’ve
been through the pain barrier and found our groove.
Something is definitely coming to fruition.
The last album All You Need Is Now was quite nostalgic. Are
you going in the same direction
this time with producer Mark Ronson?
John: Mark came to us after we worked with Timberland and had
made this electro/hip hop recod. He said, ‘Let’s
go authentic and use the gear you used on Rio’. We were
just about ready for that concept, for this one we didn’t
quite know.
You have to keep digging, then you get one song and go. ‘This
is great, now we have a bar’. We didn’t go in trying
to capture a particular style, it’s a more organic process.
But it does have all the ingredients of a classic Duran
album - danceability and great lyrics and hocks, as well as
atmospheric parts.
Same said Nick back
in December talking to his fans on the official fan community:
"The album has got elements from different Duran albums:
electronic stuff possibly like the Big Thing
album, it's got some groovy parts closer to
Notorious, it's got some ballads more like
the Wedding Album, and it's got more the armonic structure
of the first couple of albums. It's a different mix but it's
got elemens of everything - it very much sounds as a Duran Duran
album, it's not RCM or something like that."
the scene footage for upcoming promo stuff? | Back
in November John said: In the studio making videos for new songs
we haven't even finished yet... they sound like... they sound
like.. Duran Duran Music In Extremis. [source @thisistherealJT]
album] It's not finished but it's on track. We are not in a
rush to get on a big tour.
When we got the album complted we will think to the best way
to present it to everybody.
The focus now in making the album great.
Pop January 2014: Are promoters trying to persuade the band
to play any festivals?
John: I don’t think that’s going to happen this
summer. The album won’t be out that soon - maybe
in the second half of this year. Since the reunion
in 2001 we’ve worked pretty consistently, so I think it’s
okay to have a couple years off touring. |
hug is worth a thousand words |

19, 2013 | Duran Moments | In
the picture above I was completely taken by surprise by a spontaneous
and totally unexpected hug and words of thanks from John. His
way to say thanks for something I did back in June. Glad that
a fellow fan managed to snap that moment. This man, with all his
humanity and humility keeps leaving me speachless. Thanks JT!
On the right: flipping through the pages of some cool Duran Duran
Italian books featuring great coverage of The Power Station US
tour from 1985. |

Le Bon: "it's a very strong album" |

is writing great lyrics | On November 21, 2013 Simon
was incredibly happy about a song he had just written.
He told the fans that he wrote it the day before and he was
so enthusiastic about it that he recited it for us, from beginning
to end. I was completely blown away, enchanted by the beauty
of the lyrics and by the level of poetry in it.
I was petrified for both reasons, the surreal moment that
we were living and of course the intensity of the lyrics.
I just hope it will be included in the album as we all know
lots of the stuff the band writes is subjected to revisions,
editing and sometimes gems like this don't see the light of
day. Time will tell us.
recited that lyrics also to Charlotte Edwardes, the journalist
who interviewed the band for a two page piece published on
The Evening Standard on Dec. 11. Here is
an excerpt:
Bon is a show-off. “Not show-off,” he corrects.
“Attention seeker.” Either
way, he’s the most ferociously confident person I’ve
ever met. “Blame my mother,” he bellows.
He’s full of praise for his current work — “I’ve
written some good stuff for the new album. Oh my God, one
of them — I love it so much.” He recites it
then blows his nose loudly. “I love the rhythm of
poetry — did a lot of poetry reading as a kid. I was
on the stage.”
interviewer goes on asking: Is there pressure to
stay looking good? “You bet.” He grabs
at his well-upholstered middle: “Hello! Tummy time!
What’s going on here?” He’s had Botox
— “But I couldn’t move my forehead, I
couldn’t frown!” — and dyes his beard,
which is full and fox brown, something that might emerge
from a Norwegian hytte after the winter snows. “Well,
I can’t leave it white, can I? It’d be like
playing in a band with Father Christmas.”

old illustration of the Hundred Horse Chestnut, located
on the eastern slope of volcan Etna. |
little (personal) story about a sicilian Zufolo |
Back in November I gave to Simon him a little present that I
got last summer in Sicily, a little handmade zufolo that a craftsman
made using bamboo sticks from that area and sold under the Hundred
Horse Chestnut, a lovely place that I visited with my kids back
in August. As soon as I saw those zufolos I thought of Simon
so I asked that man if he could make a good one, selecting a
nice bamboo stick, which I wanted to present to a dearest person
and musian.
The Hundred Horse Chestnut is the largest and
oldest known chestnut tree in the world. Located on the eastern
slope of Mount Etna in Sicily, only few km from the volcano's
crater. it is generally believed to be 2,000 to 4,000 years
old. The tree's name originated from a legend in which a queen
of Aragon and her company of one hundred knights, during a trip
to Mount Etna, were caught in a severe thunderstorm. The entire
company is said to have taken shelter under the tree.
Zuffolo is a French fipple flute. First described
in the 14th century, it had a rear thumb-hole, two front finger-holes,
and a conical bar, with a range of over two octaves.
In Sicily, zuffolo refers to a greater flute with a broader
mouthpiece and six finger-holes.
It has also been called the flautino, flauto piccolo, and flautino
piccolo, and is sometimes spelled zufolo. |

of the man who created the zufolo for Simon from a bamboo stick,
taken last Summer in Sicily. |

Le Bon, the antisocial smoker
Smoker of the Year
Simon Le Bon
the days I was in London Simon was awarded with the Spectator
Cigar Smoker of the Year 2013. Fans were surprised to hear such
a news as soon as pictures of the event popped up online and
spread out trough social media. Since I had the chance to see
Simon the day after the ceremony I told him that we didn't know
he was a cigar smoker... he actually didn't say that he's an
avid smoker or even a smoker, he only smokes sometimes, just
for the pleasure of it, and it was clear from his answer that
even him was him was taken by surprise getting such a recognition.
We hinted that since he's not a proper cigar smoker he might
go in the "social smokers" category... but he said
[laughing] that he is actually an antisocial [we all had a laugh!
That man can be extremely funny!]
On receiving the award Simon Le Bon graciously accepted his
win and reminded his fans "It's the wild boys not the mild
boys..." Simon also became the proud owner of a humidor
of rare cigars, and a stunning Jean Richard wristwatch. [source] |
don't read much when I am in writing mode
books | Over the Summer Simon has read "Bring
Up The Bodies", he says "but, to be honest,
I don't read as much when I am in writing mode as it stops
me from writing. When I read too much it sort of stops my
writing process. On January 21th he tweeted that he has just
finished to read another book. He says "I read the best
and, absolutely, the most scariest ghost story ever. It's
a shocker, truly it is. I read it in one night, with a Petzl
led head torch, while Mrs LB slept soundly. It was so scary,
I got whole body hair-chills... Simon has posted a Simon Reader
on the official site that you can read here

picture | Simon on his new vintage motorbike. He calls it "Death
Trap"... he told us that is an extremely fast
motorbike. Simon has a real passion for motorbikes, he told
me that he has four and explained to the fans the motorbike's
it's twin-valve single-cylinder enduro-adventure motorcycle
made by Yamaha from '75 until 1981, in case you were interested...

of Pictures
a Fantastic set of 7 pictures of Simon and and Nile Rodgers
performing together Notorious. The pics were taken last June
when Simon joyned Nile Rodgers and Chic on stage during British
Summer Time at Hyde Park on July 14.
meets Milton Nascimento
on October 20 Simon met Milton Nascimento, the man who ended
Brazil’s bossa nova phase with his mix of Africanised
jazz and South American folk.
The Brazilian musician, who just turned 71, played a successful
show at the Barbican Centre in London.
We remember him for his fantastic
collaboration with Duran Duran on 1993's Breath After Breath.
Bon at Mauritius
The Le
Bons spent part of their Christmas holidays at Mauritius.
They were special guest of interiors queen Kelly Hoppen who
has designed the villas at the exclusive holiday resort of
LUX Belle Mare on Mauritius - and invited a few of her mates
out to help her celebrate. Get in full size the pictures in
the visual above: Picture
One, Two,
"We got dark moody material, we also got a lot of really
upbeat, kinda dancy stuff." |

is always very humble; one evening, at the end of our chat in
the cold
we talked about the loyalty of some fans, loyalty that has spanned
over three decades,
he said "We do appreciate your support guys!" |

have some very strong songs which came in the last few of weeks
some of the strongest songs we have written since the reunion."
Roger would like to get the album mixed by march, a song out
by early summer.
But the album won't be out before the end of the summer. |

picture: Roger spinning at Amami, Treviso on November
8, 2013.
You can access a full report and gallery by clicking
on the banner below. |
the new Duran Duran album Roger is using Roland’s
flagship TD-30KV electronic drum kit [ see pic on the
Roger has always
embraced the musical possibilities of electronic percussion.
During this time, it’s been clear that Duran Duran
didn’t fit into any particular box. The band has
evolved, keeping their music fresh. As the album takes
shape, Roger is using the new TD-30KV V-Drums kit, which
replaces his previous TD-20KX kit used on the band’s
last album and tour.
| Only a few months back he said in a blog: "We've
written loads of really great material... so much so, it's
going to be hard to pick out the final songs that make the
record. Simon is writing lyrics and we're excited about what's
happening and just getting everything up to spec before beginning
the next phase".
and his inseparable laptop [with Salvo]. Wonder if it
has some new Duran Duran music on it?!
More recently
fans have heard him saying: "there's a lot of ideas,
don't know how many... but there's not actually finished,
properly formed songs yet, just some really incredible
We do have so much great material... it could be a really
interesting release... there's so much material... we got
dark moody material, we also got a lot of really upbeat,
kinda of dancy, clubby stuff.
got so much material,
two different sets of work,
one dark and moody,
the other dancy and groovy"
Roger says that
Nick, given the nature of of the music produced so far, has
hinted "a two part record: one part all dancy, clubby,
groovy, and the other part moody, darken and deeper, but not
a double album"
he says, because he's not sure that "a double album suits
this world right now."
release VS phisical release / Indie VS Major:
Not quite there
yet says Roger in one of the most recent KatyKafe, we really
start to think about that when we get to the end of the creative
process. it's certainly nothing that's has been discussed
We are
shooting for a 2014. what quarter is gonna be I don't
know... I'd be surprised if it's the first quarter. Mixing
takes time, the setup for the record is gonna take
some time. We wanna be back on the road by next summer supporting
this record.
Any other
producer on this album?
No not that I know... says Roger.
lesson from John and Roger Taylor |
love the early years of Duran Duran, that's why I made this
little layout [picture above] for a poster that I printed
for my own collection.
It basically features pictures of the first Duran Duran line-up
and, in the lower part, pics of a very early performance dated
Birmingham 1980.
Some of those pics were published on 'In The Pleasure Groove'
book, but I found odd that in some pictures there was no caption,
so it was quite hard to detect who were the non-duran guys.
So one day of November I said to John that I would have liked
to put faces with names, and I asked his help...
He was amazed to see the poster [check him out teaching me
in the first picture on the left ] and he gladly have me a
little Duran Duran lesson.
It was good to have John as teacher of Durantholgy! He even
wrote the names on the pictures [Andy -Wickett- and Fozzi]!
Such a cool retro-moment!
I showed the same poster to Roger, you should have seen his
face when he saw that picture of himself and that bloke in
a the grey suit!
"Om my... check out Alan [Curtis]'with his pint!"
he said! He was completely blown away and amazed! :)
always good to bring back some good memories of those early
years, I always enjoy listening to stories and see pics from
those very early years,
I never end to learn something new about those obscure late
70s years in Birmingham. |
Willescroft says "I like the ideas" |

my last day in London back in November I met Simon Willescroft
at the studio. I wondered if he was there to lay down sax parts
on the new record but he said not yet, he just came to listen
to the music. I asked him if liked the songs and he said "I
like the ideas, there are some really cool ideas". I suppose
this was his first approach to the new Duran music, maybe a
way to familiarize with the new stuff and start thinking to
the mood, the atmosphere of his upcoming intervention in the
recording studio. He's a cool bloke and he gladly posed for
this picture. |

Duran Duran in the studio, February 1982, recording Rio |

picture-document | Duran Duran at AIR Studios in Oxford Street,
London, with producer Colin Thurston in February 1982!
the full exclusive layout! |
Duran products out now or in the near future |
Memories, book out this month?!

Denis O'Regan said in December about the upcoming release: "It's
being printed this month for delivery in February!" You
can sign up here to register your interest in the book:
Rhodes recently said that the book has been designed by one
of the finest graphic designer in the world, John Warwicker
who actually designed the first Duran Duran logo featured on
the labels for Duran Duran's "Planet Earth - Anyone Out
There" single back in 1980 before the band were signed
to EMI.
of his recent work for the band includes art direction and design
on the Astronaut album and the single "Sunrise".
According to some tweets, Denis hopes to bring the Careless
Memories exhibition all over the world. He has mentioned New
York, LA, Japan and Italy! |
Art-Rock tribute to Duran for the benefit of Amnesty International.

is about to release Making Patterns Rhime:
An Art-Rock Tribute to Duran Duran for the benefit of Amnesty
is doing a cover of Rio, the amazing LA trio VUMmusic
are recording their version of "Winter Marches On"
and Wearever Girls are going to record a
cover of "Secret Oktober".
The Pleasure Groove released in Poland and Brazil

The Pleasure Groove has now been released also in Poland and
Brazil, check out the adaptation of the cover layout in those
Fan and collector releases his dream
in full color
A new book chronicling Duran Duran's career through selected
posters from loyal fan Andrew Golub's extensive Poster Archive.
It's a hard-backed 260-page, full color coffee table book
with exquisite photo reproductions by Christine Born.
lovely forword by Nick Rhodes is the icing on the cake for
this top level Duran related release. A must for every fan.
You can buy your copy on Amazon.com! Visit
the book's Facebook page here
DVD out in Germany on March 28, 2014

to Amazon.de the Unstaged concert will be released on dvd on
March 28, 2014.
Duran & David Lynch
Studio: Indigo
€ 19,87
121 Minutes
You can pre-order your copy by clicking here
the photographer, contributes to Untitled Mag
legendary Issue

we all know Nick is a very talented photographer. Beside spending
the time polishing his own massive photography archive and
working on some photo book releases [read more about this
below], he has also found time to do a photo shoot with The
Bloom Twins in London.
photo shoot took place at the Bulgari Hoteland will be published
on the upcoming Legendary Issue of the amazing Untitled magazine.
Below the cover of "Clubs,
Drugs and Canapés", a book by Nick Valentine. Nick
Rhodes shot the picture for the front cover layout!
Classic (POP) John Taylor interview |

Question to John Taylor [Classic Pop excerpt]
One of your former collaborators, Nile Rodgers, is enjoying
a career renaissance. You must be delighted for him.
I couldn’t be happier. I always felt he was under-acknowledged.
People are now looking at that period - of course the Chic work,
but all that stuff - and realising what great music it is. But
his fortune turned around when he had cancer. His specialist
told him, ‘You just need to play’ that’s the
best therapy .you can have,’ so he went from schmoozing
to gigging. In his own way, he’s as impactful as Quincy
Jones. Daft Punk came along and blessed him, and now everybody’s
eager to see what he will do next.
Murphy is just, like, ‘wow’
have always championed a wide range of new music. What excites
you at the moment?
All sort of things. Jonathan Wilson’s Fanfare
is one of my favourite albums in recent years. I’ve enjoyed
Kanye West, Daft Punk, I’m
digging the Arcade Fire album. Bowie’s
comeback was a bit of a mindfuck. The best music to come out
of that was the James Murphy remix of Love is Last
- I think it’s serious, and I kinda wish he’d produced
the whole album. James Murphy is just, like, ‘wow’.
books and more books
the other Duran Duran members follow your footsteps with their
own autobiographies?
Not as far as I know. Nick’s more of a photo guy, he’s
got a few things up his sleeve. He’s got a trilogy
planned over the next few years. Simon was thinking about releasing
a book of lyrics; that didn’t go anywhere,
but I think it should. I did mine at the right time, because
now we’re balls to the wall getting the new album done.
recently lent your support to the Amy Winehouse Foundation by
donating an auction lot. As a recovering addict yourself, was
it important to be involved?
Yes, I’ve got a lot of respect for [Amy’s parents]
Mirch and Jonis. I can’t think of a better way to honour
Amy’s legacy and memory. They are for real, getting stuck
in really up to their necks. I think it’s good for Britain
and the world of recovery. Out of something awful, something
very positive is happening. |
Dolce Vita of Duran Duran |

of the little presents that I gave to the guys was a very rare
picture from my [can I say extensive?] visual Duran Duran archive
of Simon, Nick and John with the extraordinary Federico Fellini.
I knew that both, Nick and John are great Fellini fans so I
wanted them to have such a fantastic picture that documents
the guys meeting the Maestro in Cinecittà [Rome] back
in 1989, when the guys paid homage to the director while he
was working on the film La Voce Della Luna [The Voice Of The
loved the picture [check out John's face in the picture above
right]. That picture brought back some memories. John:
"I have a letter somewhere, he wrote us a letter back in
1990 to congratulate us for our new record..."
Nick, a true lover of Fellini's work, said he had only one picture
documenting the encounter and he seemed delighted to get one
more. |

has a photo-book trilogy planned over the next few years |
first one will be released very soon!
the end of November I asked Nick about his photo projects and
his intention to dedicate more time to his photography work
[book and exhibitions]... he replied right away saying "my
new photography book will be published in February".
He then added that it's a book about the "Bei Incubi"
photographic project, "it's actually a development from
that exhibition."
We assume the book release has now been pushed a little bit
forward because Nick has been very busy with the Duran Duran
album, and we know how he love to take care of all the details
in his projects. But the Bei Incubi book is definitely something
that will be out this year. According to John [please read the
above Classic Pop interview excerpt] Nick’s got a few
photo things up his sleeve. He’s got a trilogy planned
over the next few years.
Iike to take chances artistically.
I think it makes life much more interesting;
and if you don’t, and you just do ths same thing,
it’s very easy to get stuck in it. So, my way of doing
is to tread a little bit further out on the ice
each time and try not to fall through."
Nick Rhodes, Untitled mag |
Blow: Fashion Galore! |
in London until March, 2 2014 |

few pictures of Nick and Isabella taken over the years from
my Duran visual archive, from left: at the London Fashion Week
Autumn/Winter 2006 - at the 6th Annual White Tie & Tiara
Ball at Sir Elton John Residence in Windsor. And a rare black
& white one: Manolo Blahnik, Isabella Blow, Nick and Bryan
Ferry at the Vanity Fair Swinging London dinner, River Cafe,
taken on November 20, 1996 |

Blow was a champion of creative talent. So much that we know
today would never have happened without her vision and her support
of British fashion and creativity was unique.”
November 19, 2013 Nick and Nefer attended the Isabella Blow:
Galore! exhibition at Somerset House in London.
The fashion guru was worried about her 'waning celebrity status'
when she killed herself by drinking half a pint of Paraquat
weedkiller back in 2007 [after several more suicide attempts.]
After her death, Detmar Blow confirmed that his wife suffered
from depression and that she had once declared, "I'm fighting
depression and I can't beat it"
has been said that the Tatler magazine fashion editor - famous
for her designer hats and blood red lipstick - was worried about
how she would support herself in future as her career faded.
life was as colourful as her fashion sense"
for her passion for wearing flamboyant hats and blood-red lipstick,
Mrs Blow was once described as one of the 20 most important
people in fashion. She began her career in 1981 as an assistant
to Anna Wintour, now editor-in-chief of American Vogue. Returning
to London in 1986, Blow worked for British Vogue, The Sunday
Times Style magazine and most recently Tatler, as their fashion
director. She was also resposible for the "Who's A Pretty
Boy Then" article dedicated to Nick. [Quote: Nick Rhodes
is the ideal boyfriend: he'll dress you, make you up - even
sing to you.] The article features an amazing interview and
unusual pictures of Nick wearing heels -

While I was in London
I went to get a glimpse of the celebrities attending the opening
of the fabolous exhibition... Nick was was in attendance...
Isabella Blow was one of his closest friends. Among others that
evening I spotted the amazing Grace Jones, Boy George, Philip
Treacy, Stella Tennant and many others.
day after the exhibition I met Nick and the show was obviously
subeject of our chat, I asked him if he enjoyed it and if he
thought the exhibition represented properly the artist's work.
He said yes, it was very well put together. When I mentioned
their long time friendship, he actually said "it's so sad".
Xanax and Mr Xanax
some point of our conversation I told him that since the first
listen I though that Lady Xanax was dedicated to Isabella, but
I wasn't sure about that, it was just a personal though. I wouldn't
never imagined to ask such a question to Nick but the chat was
going on in such a natural way that the question popped in my
mind... after 14 years since the song's release.
said yes, then he added that it actually talks about another
person as well, a completely different person, a man actually.
He said that with with a lovely-lovely smile. We actualy thought
it was himself the other person... but I didn't ask...
Simon seems to confirm in an interview released a couple of
years ago [by Creem magazine] that the other person is Nick
| I must say, sex and a high level of decadence seem to
be persistent themes in Duran Duran songs like the subject
in Lady Xanax about a woman who has stayed out all night
and now has cracks in her makeup.
Well, Nick wrote the lyrics to Lady Xanax so it’s
actually got a lot of him going on in it. I just
kind of fine-tune the songs so that they ‘sing’
right. It’s interesting because Nick has a very different
point of view to mine.
‘Lady Xanax’ could almost be a pseudonym itself
of Mr Rhodes? Nick’s certainly brought a lot of ambiguity
to the Duran table.
He has.
of Nick with the orange sculpture: Masterpiece Midsummer
Party in aid of Marie Curie at The Royal Hospital Chelsea.
Taken on July 2, 2013
comes the morning light you can't face
Lie on your bed staring into space
Watch the time slip gently by, don't ask why
So many friends but nobody calls
Can't be alone when the darkness falls
Got to make it to the party, socialize, break the ice
Lady xanax where were you last night
All the cracks in your makeup are starting to show
Don't think that you realize how far away you go
Now look into the future and don't be afraid
Afraid of what is on your mind
There in the emptiness deep inside
You are the one that's been left behind
So you paint with your mascara, social eyes don't look twice
Lady xanax where were you last night
All the cracks in yur makeup are starting to show
Don't think that you realize how far away you go
Now look into the future and don't be afraid, afraid
Lady xanax you're out tonight
Lady xanax you're oh so tired
Lady xanax sleep well tonight
Lady xanax |

is a vampiric thing, it's the hoover on your brain. That's why
I wear the hats,
to keep everyone away from me. They say, 'Oh, can I kiss you?'
I say, 'No, thank you very much. That's why I've worn the hat.
Goodbye.' I don't want to be kissed by all and sundry. I want
to be kissed by the people I love." |

left: Boy George, Nick and Nefer [press pics] - All small pics
taken by Salvo; From top center: Grace Jones, Rupert Everett,
Boy George, Grace Jones, Stella Tennant. |

& Rhodes: Duran Duran... and beyond! |

Taylor & Nick Rhodes, two workaholics writing a Musical
"It's quietly caming along very well"
Taylor and I are working on a musical together" said
Nick during the interview published on Harper's Bazaar from
June last year. "That’s something that we probably
won’t have finished for a year or more. We’re
keeping ourselves busy".
time John and Nick collaborated on a side project was in 2006,
when they released Only After Dark, a compilation
album compiled by them both.
was such an interesting news so I had to ask Nick about it...
when the discussion shifted on the subject, I asked if the
musical was in some way related to Duran Duran. He said "no
no, it's something completely different." So I said,
I suppose the project has been set aside at the moment as
the Duran album seems a priortity, but Nick surprised me saying
that they have been actually working on it 'anytime
in between the new album sessions' and they were
going to work on it in December, as the as soon as the band
would get a break from the Duran N°14 recording sessions.
on the left | We had a laugh taking that picture! I was freezing,
John came out from the studio in just red flannel shirt, no
jacket, so when I came close to him, as he asked if we wanted
to take a picture, I felt how warm he was, so I told him and
he replied [laughing] "I'm hot stuff!" |
Rhodes Tidbits | Did you know that Nick has been one of the
guests of the Founders Forum? |
Founders Forum is a community for the best global entrepreneurs
in media and technology.
Founders Forum brings together over 3000 of the world's best,
brightest and most dynamic digital entrepreneurs, who engage
in open debate, brainstorming, discussion and problem solving.
The invite-only forums are currently held in London, New York,
Los Angeles, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro. |
Forum was set up in 2005 by Brent Hoberman [lastminute.coml]
and Jonathan Goodwin [The Wireless Group] in the picture with
Nick. |

two nice pics of Nick Rhodes and Nefer Suvio taken on Valentine's
Day at the Pam Hogg Autumn Winter 2014 Fashion Show at London!
Taylor gets Polish version of ITPG at the O'Regan exhibition |
by Anna Polak [in the picture with Simon]. Photos by Maciek
from duranduranpoland.com |

5th December, at 15 Foubert Place, London, the band
attended the special event organized to launch the Careless
Memories exhibition, featuring photographs taken by
Denis O’Regan during the Sing Blue Silver 1984
North American Tour. The guys arrived, as usual, one
by one giving us the chance to greet them at the entrance
of the venue. The Le Bon family was represented by the
head of the household as well as by the stunning ladies,
Yasmin, Amber, Saffron and Tallullah. |
Nick was
accompanied by Nefer, Roger by his wife, Gisella, John came
alone but on his way back he was picked up onboard of an amazing
Each of
them stopped to give us some autographes. Apart from us from
Poland, there where some fans from Argentina, Chile and Italy.
in the evening we had the chance to have a chat with them. Me
and Maciek came from Warsaw to give John the Polish version
of his autobiography which had come out a few days before. John
immediately recognised that it was a Polish version, he asked
if the translation was good. We spoke a bit about the lttile
mistake in the First Chapter – the Polish version is the
exact translation of the English version:
”Brighton, 29 July 1981”... It's a week
after my twenty-first birthday”
The American translation and the Italian one are correct. John
admitted that he had been told about it. Finding such mistake
is a good test of knowledge of the JT’s biography, isnt’it?
asked Roger if they will be in the studio the next day. He confirmed
and, as usual, he kept his promise. A very reliable man!
we had the chance to meet them once again the next day. It was
so exciting to see them going to work to record the new album!
Simon came first, proudly driving his bike, parading in great
Star Wars style with his helmet on. Then followed Roger, John
and Nick. Each of them dedicated us some time but they were
visibly in a hurry to go to work. “I have to go to work”
it was the sentence that each of them told us and we were very
happy to hear it - it meant only one thing: that the album will
be out this soon!
They stayed in the studio for many hours, we didn’t see
Nick and John coming out although it was very late. Let's hope
for the best! |
from left: Roger's thoughts on Denis photographs from the great
Sing Blue Silver book. The touring band in the US in 1984. And
a rare photo flashback dated 1983 from duranasty's visual archive:
the band, their girlfriends and the managers in Cannes, before
the Sing Blue Silver tour kicked off. Click here
to get a big scan of this great picture which was originally
published on 'Photo' magazine from France. |
from International press |

you can get a lovely video of the band live in Chile at
Teatro Caupolicàn originally posted by 24 Horas
TV two years ago. We don't usually post videos but since
we are all Hungry Like The Wolves for Duran Live we just
felt it was a nice thing to share with you all. The short
clip features three songs [song titles originally messed
by the local TV, sorry about that]: Planet Earth, A View
To A Kill and All You Need Is Now. Special thanks to Faby
for recording and sending along the video and to Mr T
who converted the file in a more accessible and downlodable
file for the web. Enjoy! [Click
Here > Save Targer As] |
on the all thumbnails to get full scans of the articles! |
magazines sources: The Guardian about in The Pleasure Groove,
an article from a Danish magazine [it talks about John and Renee's
relationship - it was released when John visited Copenhagen
in support of ITPG]. From the Italian Vanity Fair, another article
about Simon in Antigua. Click on the thumbnail to get full scans. |
magazines sources: great interview to Nick about TVMania from
Classic Pop, Unstaged news from Classic Pop, some gossip about
Nick and Nefer, Nice clipping featuring Nick and Mark. Click
on the thumbnail to get the full scan. |

Very good
article about Malcom Garrett and his Assorted Images from Classic
Pop, responsible for some of the best album cover ever. His
name will be always tied with Duran Duran for his amazing work
on album such as Duran Duran and Rio. |
Y&S article is in Italian. The most hilarius part of the
interview is when the journalist ask about Simon's visit to
Berlusconi's Villa Certosa in Sardina, back in August 2008...
Here is a translation of Simon's ironic reply.
"I sail quite often, I love your beautiful coasts, I come
often to Sardinia." says Simon. Right, you were guest of
Berlusconi, says the journalist,. "For heaven's sake, no
indiscreet question... I will only reveal what I've seen. I
saw beautiful women and an elegant dinner. But what impressed
me was a SnowWhite statue outside the villa, with only six dwarves.
Don't ask what that meant... It's a pleasant man, but I would
never marry him!
an exclusive and unseen picture of Simon sailing in Sardinia
back in September 2013! |
good article with amazing front cover dedicated to Duran and
cool live pictures. It's from the Middle East Sound & Stage
magazine and talks about the local manager that brought Duran
Duran and other stars in Dubai back in 2012. |
above article from Ski and Snow Board magazine is about Simon's
ice sailing adventure and his interest in ski. |
the article from Panorama [Italy] that you
can download by clicking on the above thumbnail | Translation:
A lilac dinner organized by Gela and John Taylor
at their South Wraxall Manor in the Wiltshire
was the beginning of the three days celebration of Hamish
Bowles’s 50th birthday back in June. After the
dinner the 100 selected guest coming from around the world,
went to the garden for the birthday cake moment. Opera singers,
Cole Porter timeless songs and fireworks were the ingredients
of the party. * Hamish
Bowles [born 22 June 1963] is an English fashion journalist.
Since 1995 he has been the European editor-at-large for the
American edition of Vogue. |
all folks!
free to share this page on social networks if you like Duranasty
Webzine. Thank You! |
only aim of this Webzine is to celebrate Duran Duran
and their members. This is a non-profit activity and
there are not commercial purposes behind the existence
of the site. This webzine is just a positive place
to share love, passion, stories, news and pics among
Duran Duran fans. Any Duran Duran fan is welcomed
to submit reports, news, pics, etc.
is a fan-site made with passion from a fan to all
the fans of Duran Duran on Planet Earth.
contact the editor and webmaster salvo@duranasty.com
| the life and times of D u r a n a s t y ® All rights
Duran Duran websites duranduran.com and duranduranmusic.com
Thanks to Duran Duran: John Taylor, Nick Rhodes, Simon
Le Bon and Roger Taylor.
installment wouldn't be the same without the precious
help of Annamaria V., Simona B., Camillo, Faby Le
Duranie, Ana, Maciek and Glamour Tiger Baby Junkie
and Steen.